He was born in Söke in 1982. Graduated from Söke High School in 2000. Left the Department of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Science of Ege University, which he won the same year, in 2002. He started writing essays in various newspapers, litarature journals and fanzines. In 2008, he completed his bachelor's degree at the Department of Primary Shcool Teaching, Department of Elementary Education, Faculty of Education, Uludağ University. In 2018, he became the editor-in-chief of the seasonal children's literature journal "Children Authors". 25. since then, he has been on the editorial board of "Beşparmak", the oldest culture and art magazine in the Aegean. His art works were featured in many media. 45 different short stories have been published in 59 issues of 47 literature journals. Stories have been translated into English and have been found worthy of various awards. Children's stories were illustrated in "PTT Çocuk". His books have been published by Agora Library, Akademisyen Library, Geniş Library, Mylos Book, Pupa Publications and Siyah Beyaz Publications. His story, "A Poem Should Come Here", was adapted to the cinema as an animated film with the same name. It was included in the screening selection of The Lift-Off Sessions Film Festival held in the UK. The screening of the film in Turkey was held at the events organized by the "Association for the Support of Contemporary Life" in the Kisir Neighborhood of Söke within the scope of the "There is a Festival in the Village" project. His book of the same name as his story "A Poem Should Come Here" was published as an audiobook on Storytel. Latmos Documentary, which he scripted, in India, 4. it was awarded the best documentary award at the Chennai International Film Festival. He completed his master's degree at Ege University Education Management, Inspection, Planning and Economics Thesis Program in 2023. The thesis he prepared under the title "Examination of the Preferred Course Supervision Model According to the Educational Philosophies Adopted by Teachers and Administrators and Professional Variables" has introduced two measurement tools into the literature under the titles "T&B Course Supervision Models Scale" and "T&B Educational Philosophies Scale". Head of the Department of Educational Administration of Ege University Prof. Dr. The scales he prepared together with Yılmaz Tonbul are the first measurement tools produced not only in his hometown of Söke, but also in Aydın in the disciplines of educational philosophy and educational supervision. The study containing these measurement tools has been published as a source book by Academician Publishing House for use in inspector training, "Introduction to Educational Science" courses at faculties of education on "Supervisory Foundations of Education" and "Philosophical Foundations of Education" subjects, "Audit Theory and Techniques" and "Philosophy of Educational Management" courses at institutes of educational sciences. Hasan Cüneyt Bozkurt; has been working in public schools in İstanbul, Şanlıurfa and Aydın for 15 years in various positions such as classroom teaching, assistant principal and school director, and is still primary shcool teacher.