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  • Bilgili, M. (2016) The search for the socialist self in the man on the balcony [Examination of the book entitled The Man on the Balcony written by H. C. Bozkurt]. Azizim Sanat, 98, 40-43
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  • Gizlier, E. (2015, November). A story bridge between russian literature and underground literature [Examination of the book entitled The Man On The Balcony written by H. C. Bozkurt] Galapera Fanzine.
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  • Keşaplı, O. (2014). The literature of painting or pictures from the word [Examination of the book entitled Pictures From The Word written by H. C. Bozkurt]. Azizm Sanat, 78, 50.
  • Mutlu, M. (2014, June 9). Discover a new author [Examination of the book entitled 10:30 written by H. C. Bozkurt]. Aydınlık, p. 3.
  • Ocakçı, E. (2014) A narrative dance [Examination of the book entitled Pictures From The Word written by H. C. Bozkurt]. Tmolos Edebiyat, 28.
  • Payza, H. (2013, October 9) The novel of a story or the stories of a novel [Examination of the novel entitled 10:30 written by H. C. Bozkurt] Gerçek, p. 5.
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  • Payza, H. (2022, May 1). Is writing an antidote? [Examination of the book entitled A Poem Should Come Here written by H. C. Bozkurt]. Aydınlık, https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/yazmak-bulasici-mi-yazmasam-cildiracaktim-314214?fbclid=IwAR3df-UpmWr6QRm89n_MdXXGvra6C2TnyJxcBBgSzF9ky1KRfZG6HgnSac0
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  • Sağlık, E. Ü. (2022, May 27). A few words about a poem should come here [Examination of the book entitled A Poem Should Come Here written by H. C. Bozkurt]. Gerçek, https://www.gazetegercek.net/turk-edebiyati-sokede-basarili-isimler-yetistiriyor-37533h.htm
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  • Yıldırım, R. (2014). A postmodern picture from the words [Examination of the book entitled Pictures From The Word written by H. C. Bozkurt]. Sabit Fikir, Retrieved Apr 01, 2022, from  http://www.sabitfikir.com/elestiri/sozcuklerden-post-modern-bir-resim